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Bidding Adieu . . .

Even though the third millennium officially begins January 1, 2001, in the midst of the 2000 celebration, and with less than a week left, Sampadhki is opening up the floor to an open discussion on the achievements and letdowns of the 20th century. Discussions can range from politics; science and medicine; sports or anything that you feel has impacted the way we live, positively or negatively.

The past 1000 years have been truly eventful, and have left us with numerous names and faces that have impacted our way of living. Whether it is artists like Leonardo de Vinci, or literary figures like William Shakespeare, or maybe even composers like Beethoven each of these names have been made their presence and mark in the historical timeframe of the 20th century.

In the sciences, the 20th century witnessed some truly life changing inventions and theories. For example, Sir Isaac Newton’s experimentation with gravitation; John Dalton and the introduction of the atomic theory, Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. Equally, we saw inventions like aeroplanes and cars; typewriters and computers; televisions and radio; and telephones and the internet alter our ways of living.

In addition, the 20th century brought us the Black Plague in 1300s and the discovery of AIDS in the late 1900s. In warfare, we witnessed a tremendous change in weaponry from the steel crossbow in 1300s to the present rise in nuclear weapons. The century brought us the end of colonialism, but still a divide remained between the “developed” and “developing nations;” the “first” and the “third” word.

The list can go on to include architectural achievements, the exploration of man into space, whatever you choose to expand upon. You could look at figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa who have brought upon mass movements and change through positive steps. Or maybe even look at the dimmer side of history to include such individuals as Adolf Hitler and his mass ethnic cleansing. The discussion can be entirely dictated by yourself, but please just make sure you back up what you say rather than just writing merely one liners.

With that said, its time to turn the floor over to you for the last time this year century . . . decade . . . year…month.

Sampadhki would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous new millennium!