The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow, I hope!
“The sun up and we all go out to play” – Amar (Age 4)
As I sat there thinking what I’d write about I reverted to asking the kids, give me a topic – “what is important in today’s world.” At that Anmol said “puzzles” -lately we have been on a puzzle fest and she just completed her first 100 piece puzzle. In the past she always gives up because “its taking to long.” And when it was Amar’s turn he came up with the above – and it dawned on me: “What a great topic!”
For those of you who are in warmer areas of the country or world, you won’t truly be able to appreciate the depth of Amar’s comment. For the past few weeks we have been having some pretty cold weather and its taking a toll. The other day our garage wouldn’t open because it was frozen together and still many of the streets are iced because even with the sun its not melting because it hasn’t warmed up enough. So, call it a coincidence but with Amar’s comment comes some truth because the weather is suppose to be warming up and with the warmth the snow will melt and maybe we can all go out and have a blast. As you can gather I am so not a snow person and I’m totally missing the California sun. 🙂